Umfrage zum Thema "Welche öffentlichen Maßnahmen sollten ergriffen werden, um die finanzielle Belastung von Zöliakiebetroffenen zu verringern?"

Hello dear celiacs.

My name is Jemma and I am 18years old. Having to follow a gluten free diet everyday for over 8 years now because of celiac, I have noticed the huge financial, social and logistical burden that it causes. I believe us celiacs in Switzerland  should have the right to perceive some sort of compensation for it.  That is why for the final year of school I decided to write a thesis on which public policies the swiss government could implement to help us cope with the difficulty of following a gluten free diet. 

Through this short survey I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on which public policy would help you support the extra costs we have to face following a GFD. 

The information will be handled in a confidential and academic context. 

Thank you very much for your participations. 

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